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Five Fingers Rapids on Yukon River, Yukon,
Photographie Souders, Paul

Mount Logan, Kluane National Park - Yukon,
Photographie |

Fog Rises Off the Yukon River Photographie
Nicklen, Paul |

Bikers travel across the rough terrain and melt
ice of
southern Alaska Photographie |

View of Mount Foraker, Alaska Photographie
Burcham, John |

Cruise Ship, Reid Glacier, Glacier Bay, AK
Cardozo, Yvette |

Spruces covered w/ snow, Alaska Photographie

Caribou antlers on the tundra in Denali
National Park,
Denali National Park & Reserve, Alaska
Photographie Newman, Mark |

Alaska, USA Photographie |

Lone Hiker Gazes across Tundra, Denali National
Alaska, USA Photographie Rose, Hugh

Aerial view of a tundra. Photographie
Carsten, Peter |

A lone traveler hikes through the tundra
Nicklen, Paul |

Ski, montagnes Chugach, Alaska Photographie
McCririck, Flip |

Autumn View of Tundra and the Ogilvie
Mountains, Yukon
Photographie Nicklen,
Paul |

Mt Asgard Behind Sledding Group On Turner
Auyuittuq NP, Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada Photographie
Dixon, Grant |